miércoles, 10 de agosto de 2016

Nataša Kovačević upon being elected for the new president of the Women's Basketball Club "Red Star"

Nataša Kovačević upon being elected for the new president of the Women's Basketball Club "Red Star"

 "It's needless to say how big of an honor it is for a 22-year-old woman, as I am, to get elected for the most responsible position in the club, which among many trophies, has the trophy of the European Champion. That is why today, in front of all of you, I can't resist to admit that I am pretty nervous. The reason for that is not a fear, rather the sense of big responsibility that I will carry from this day on. But, every person that knows me even a little, understands that such responsibility will not be an obstacle, instead it will make me work more and fight harder.

I will not lack motivation, because I think that it goes without saying what basketball means to me. My strong desire to come back under the hoops after the unfortunate accident made my recovery much fast than it was expected, and that huge love for basketball, in some moments, gave me strength to overcome challenges that at first seemed impossible, and return to the court. I will no longer be on the court, but I think that through this new role I will even more be connected with the sport that gave me so much. And that is what makes me really happy. This will be the first opportunity to give back to basketball. To the Serbian basketball.
In front of us, is a big job and I know that it won't be easy at all, but I want to assure you all that I won't give up and surrender just because something is difficult. That is simply not in my character and I hope that this approach of mine will allow us to go forward together."

Natašin govor nakon izbora za novu predsednicu KKŽ "Crvena Zvezda":
"Suvišno je govoriti kolika je čast za dvadesetdvogodišnju devojku poput mene da bude na najodgovornijoj funkciji u klubu koji među mnogobrojnim trofejima ima i titulu šampiona Evrope. Zato na ovom mestu, pred vama, ne mogu a da ne priznam da imam malu tremu. To nije posledica straha, već osećaj velike odgovornosti koju ću od danas nositi. Ali, svako ko me bar malo poznaje zna da me to neće sputati već će me samo terati da radim još više i borim se još jače.
Motiva mi neće nedostajati jer mislim da je izlišno da govorim šta za mene predstavlja košarka. Upravo je moja želja da se posle teške nesreće ponovo vratim pod obruče uticala da se oporavim mnogo brže nego što se očekivalo, a ta silna ljubav prema košarci mi je u nekim teškim trenucima davala snagu da prebrodim neke na prvi pogled nesavladive prepreke i vratim se na teren. Više neću biti na parketu, ali mislim da ću u ovoj novoj ulozi još čvršće biti vezana za sport koji mi je dao toliko toga. I to me jako raduje. Jer, ovo će biti prva prilika da deo toga ja vratim košarci. Košarci u Srbiji.
Pred nama je veliki posao i znam da neće biti nimalo lako, ali želim sve da vas uverim da se neću predavati i da neću odustajati samo zato što je nešto teško. To jednostavno nije u mom karakteru i nadam se da će nam takav moj pristup problemima omogućiti da zajedno idemo napred."